Sustainable development and environmental policy

At Cassiopea, we understand the critical importance of sustainability in today’s business environment. As an agency specializing in website design and digital marketing, we recognize our role and responsibility towards environmental, social and economic issues.

Our vision of sustainable development fits perfectly with our mission to provide quality services while preserving the environment for future generations.

Our sustainable development policy as a Web Marketing Agency


  • General objectives :
    Our policy aims to minimize our ecological footprint, promote the well-being of our employees and contribute positively to our community while ensuring the growth and success of our customers.
  • Specific objectives :
    • Reduce our CO2 emissions linked to our digital activities by 2025.
    • Achieve zero paper in our internal processes by the end of 2024.
    • Increase diversity within our team by aiming for the most equitable representation possible by 2025.

Lines of Action

  • Environmental:
    • Optimize the energy efficiency of our servers and offices.
    • Promote the recycling and reuse of all our electronic equipment.
    • Encourage the use of green transportation among our employees.
  • Social :
    • Ensure an inclusive, diverse and equitable work environment for all our employees.
    • Support local initiatives through community projects and corporate volunteering.
    • Promote the health and well-being of our employees through support programs and teleworking initiatives.
  • Economic :
    • Adopt ethical business practices, ensuring full transparency with our customers.
    • Promote partnerships with local suppliers and environmentally friendly companies.
    • Constantly innovate in our services to support the sustainable development of our customers.


  • Governance: Our sustainable development committee, made up of members of management and employee volunteers, will be responsible for implementing this policy.
  • Action Plans: Detailed action plans will be developed for each area of intervention, with specific projects and clear objectives.
  • Training and Awareness: We will set up regular training for all our employees to raise their awareness of sustainable development issues and engage them in our initiatives.

Monitoring and Reporting

  • Performance indicators (KPI): We will establish clear performance indicators to monitor our progress towards the bjectives.

Reporting: We will communicate our progress annually, through internal reports and updates on our website, demonstrating our commitment to sustainability.

Our profile on “les pages vertes”

Eco-responsible certificate 2024 with distinction

We are proud to announce our presence on the directory Les pages vertes, an initiative that resonates deeply with our commitment to sustainable development and eco-responsibility.

By aligning with their mission to promote a greener and responsible lifestyle, we reinforce our dedication to adopting business practices that respect the environment and contribute positively to our community.

Les pages vertes directory shares our vision of a future where businesses play a crucial role in preserving natural resources for future generations, encouraging conscious consumption and highlighting businesses that are committed to the planet .

By joining this platform, we aspire not only to inspire other companies to go green, but also to make it easier for our customers to choose eco-responsible services, aligned with their values of sustainability and environmental responsibility.

Management commitment

We, the management of Cassiopea, are fully committed to integrating sustainable development principles into all our activities and to working tirelessly to achieve the goals we have set for ourselves.

We firmly believe that through these actions, we can not only improve our environmental and social impact but also ensure the long-term success of our company and our partners.

Effective date

This policy takes effect immediately and will be reviewed annually to ensure that it remains relevant and effective in the face of sustainable development challenges and opportunities.

At Cassiopea, we are determined to be at the forefront of sustainable development in the field of web marketing and to actively contribute to a better future for all.

Madeline Pelletier-Grenier
Madeline Pelletier-Grenier
Trustindex vérifie que la source originale de l'avis est Google.
Merci pour notre beau site, accompagné de très bons conseils on est vraiment satisfait 🤩
Marie caroline Tessier
Marie caroline Tessier
Trustindex vérifie que la source originale de l'avis est Google.
une équipe pro-active, a l'écoute de vos besoins je recommande cette entreprise merci a toute l'équipe
Simon Gagnon
Simon Gagnon
Trustindex vérifie que la source originale de l'avis est Google.
Travailler chez Cassiopea a été une expérience enrichissante, j'en suis sorti avec un baguage d'expérience qui va me servir probablement toute ma vie ;)
Kalyagen USA
Kalyagen USA
Trustindex vérifie que la source originale de l'avis est Google.
A dedicated team of highly skilled people.
Denis Bourque
Denis Bourque
Trustindex vérifie que la source originale de l'avis est Google.
L'équipe est géniale! Elle a su mettre mon site web sur la mappe! Maintenant, lorsqu'on tape planificateur financier, Montréal, nous sortons sur la première page et tout cela sans aucun budget de publicité. Merci à toute l'équipe!
Pier-Luc Pinsonneault
Pier-Luc Pinsonneault
Trustindex vérifie que la source originale de l'avis est Google.
Super équipe professionnelle et organisée !
Bernhard Obojes
Bernhard Obojes
Trustindex vérifie que la source originale de l'avis est Google.
J'ai travaillé avec Arthur sur une migration de serveur. Il a fait un excellent travail. Il s'est assuré que chaque étape fonctionnait comme il se doit et m'a expliqué le processus. Même après que le travail ait été terminé, il est disponible pour répondre à toutes les questions de suivi. Très compétent et sympathique. Merci Arthur !
Antonin P.
Antonin P.
Trustindex vérifie que la source originale de l'avis est Google.
Équipe à l'écoute , réactive et super performante.
Florian Houdu
Florian Houdu
Trustindex vérifie que la source originale de l'avis est Google.
Travailler au sein de Cassiopea aura été une expérience incroyable!
Saad Agnaou
Saad Agnaou
Trustindex vérifie que la source originale de l'avis est Google.
Je suis très heureux de pouvoir collaborer avec Cassiopea sur différents projets web: Experts dans la transformation digitale, dans l'ère du temps et très à l'écoute de leurs clients. C'est notre partenaire privilégié dans l'industrie numérique.

The sustainable development policy of Cassiopea Web Marketing Agency

What is Cassiopea’s sustainable development policy?

Cassiopea’s Sustainability Policy defines our commitment and actions towards sustainability, aligning these efforts with our business objectives. It highlights our responsibility towards environmental, social and economic issues.

Why has Cassiopea adopted this policy?

We have adopted this policy to minimize our environmental impact, promote the well-being of our employees, and contribute positively to our community while ensuring our success and that of our customers.

What are the specific objectives of this policy?

Our goals include reducing CO2 emissions linked to our activities, achieving paperless internal processes, increasing diversity within our team and community engagement.

How does Cassiopea implement its sustainable development policy?

We implement our policy through environmental, social, and economic lines of action, with detailed action plans, training initiatives for employees, and governance dedicated to this cause.

How is progress tracked and reported?

Progress is tracked using key performance indicators and communicated annually via internal reports and updates on our website.

How can I participate as a Cassiopea employee, partner or collaborator?

Employees can participate by getting involved in sustainable development initiatives, by proposing ideas to reduce our ecological footprint, and by participating in the training and awareness raising offered.

Will Cassiopea’s sustainable development policy be updated?

Yes, our policy is reviewed annually to ensure that it remains relevant and effective, taking into account new challenges and opportunities for sustainable development.

How does this policy benefit our customers?

This policy reinforces our commitment to ethical and sustainable business practices, providing our clients with peace of mind that their projects are contributing positively to the environment and society.

What is management’s commitment to this policy?

Cassiopea management is fully committed to integrating sustainable development principles into all our activities and working to achieve the set goals.

Where can I find more information about Cassiopea’s sustainable development policy?

For more information, please visit our website or contact us directly. We will be happy to answer your questions and discuss our commitment to sustainability.

Do you want to take a step towards eco-responsibility?

Are you ready to transform your online presence? Contact Cassiopea, your web agency in Canada, and let’s make your vision a sustainable and eco-responsible digital reality.

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