🌐 2024: The year of digital transformation grants

Updated July 09, 2024

As 2024 dawns, the horizon for businesses is brightening with never-before-seen opportunities for digital transformation. Thanks to a host of government and private grants, this year is shaping up to be the perfect time to digitize your operations, optimize your processes and expand your online presence.

We aim to be your strategic partner, guiding you through these opportunities and turning your digital ambitions into tangible reality. Digital transformation has become a crucial issue for the competitiveness and longevity of all organizations. We are experts in digital transformation and can help you obtain provincial and federal grants.

What is digital transformation?

Digital transformation is the process of integrating digital technologies into all aspects of a business. This can include, but is not limited to:

  • Setting up an e-commerce platform
  • Optimizing your search engine presence
  • The use of customer relationship management (CRM) software
  • Adoption of cloud computing solutions
  • Mobile application development
  • Implementing cybersecurity solutions

The benefits of digital transformation
are numerous:

  • Increased productivity
  • Improving competitiveness
  • Cost reduction
  • Improved customer satisfaction
  • Increased revenues

Subsidies available in 2024

The subsidy landscape for digital transformation in 2024 is rich and diverse, offering a wide range of financial assistance for companies of all sizes. From programs like PSCE (Programme de Soutien à la Commercialisation et à l’Exportation) to specific initiatives like CanExport PME, the funds available aim to support digitalization projects in all their forms. Cassiopea acts as a catalyst for your success, helping you to navigate these opportunities, identify the grants best suited to your project and maximize your chances of obtaining them.

7 subsidy programs

👉 Programme de soutien à la commercialisation et à l’exportation (PSCE) 🌐 : Up to 50% subsidy to boost your website and online marketing, up to 50% of your project expenses, with a ceiling of $250,000) More info : PSCE program.

👉CERI – Regional economic growth through innovation 📈 : Tailored assistance to stimulate innovation and growth in your company.
Invest in innovative technologies to improve your company’s productivity and efficiency.
Further details: CERI program.

👉Innovation Program 💡 : Boost your innovative projects with grants of up to 50% of expenses, up to $350,000. Launch product or service innovation projects and benefit from commercialization support. 50% of expenses, up to $350,000.
For more information: Innovation Program.

👉 CanExport PME 🌍 : Extend your global reach with financial assistance of up to $50,000, covering 50% of eligible costs. Expand your international markets with expert advice on digital marketing and e-commerce. To find out more: CanExport PME.

The CanExport PME program is currently no longer accepting applications. Please check this page for updates.

👉LeFond C de Desjardins 💼 : Financial support of up to 25% of the cost of your innovation and digital transformation projects.

👉Canadian Digital Adoption Program(CDAP) 🖥️: Support for the enhancement of your online business operations and enterprise technology, with varying grants depending on the component. Modernize your online business activities or enhance your enterprise technologies with a strategic approach. Up to $15,000, further information: PCAN.

However, Aboriginal and non-Yukon businesses can still apply for this option through their local service provider. and it is no longer possible to apply for the Enhance Your Business Technology grant.

👉Le ESSOR program program aims to provide financial support for growing companies in Quebec, offering assistance for investment projects, growth, productivity, and internationalization, including grants for digital transformation. Eligible companies can benefit from a wide range of financial assistance, such as non-repayable contributions and loan guarantees, tailored to the specific project.

Financial assistance can take many forms, including a non-refundable grant covering up to 50% of eligible costs to a maximum of $100,000, a refundable loan, a credit guarantee, or an equity investment.

👉 BONUS: The “Digital Pulse” grant program 🖥️ :

The Canada Council ‘s Digital Pulse grant program aims to strengthen the digital capabilities of Canadian arts organizations by providing financial support for the assessment, planning and implementation of digital strategies. The program is divided into two distinct components:

Component 1: This component provides grants of up to $40,000 to hire external consultants. These experts assess digital needs, plan strategies and provide training to enhance the digital skills of arts organizations. The aim is to enable beneficiaries to better understand and integrate the digital tools required for their development.

Stream 2: This stream offers grants of up to $50,000 for individual projects and up to $100,000 for collaborative projects. Funds are earmarked for implementing recommendations from the first component, such as improving online discoverability, securing data, and optimizing information management. This enables organizations to realize their digital transformation plans and strengthen their digital presence.

Why 2024 is crucial for digital transformation

The COVID-19 pandemic accelerated the need for digital transformation, making technological adaptation a matter of survival for many companies. In 2024, this trend is gathering pace, offering a competitive advantage to those who embrace change. Data shows that companies that invest in digitalization enjoy a significant increase in productivity and a better customer experience, leading to sustainable growth and new revenue avenues.

How Cassiopea supports companies

At Cassiopea, we understand that every company has its own challenges and objectives. Our personalized approach begins with a comprehensive audit of your current digital state, followed by strategic planning of your transformation project. We take charge of preparing your grant application, making sure to highlight the key aspects of your project that meet the eligibility criteria of funding programs.

Optimizing your digital transformation project

We support you in the execution of your project, ensuring that the funds obtained are used optimally to achieve your digital objectives. Whether you’re developing a new website, integrating e-commerce solutions, or setting up internal management systems, our team of experts is with you every step of the way.

2024 is your year to embrace digital transformation and benefit from the many grants available. Cassiopea is ready to accompany you on this adventure, turning challenges into opportunities and investments into success. Contact us today to start your journey towards digitalization and secure your place in tomorrow’s economic landscape.

Ready to transform your business? Cassiopea is your partner of choice to make 2024 the year of your digital success. Join us in this adventure and let’s bring your digital transformation projects to life.

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