Boost your company’s performance with the Mesure de Formation de la Main-d’Œuvre au Québec.

In today’s fast-moving business world, it’s essential for companies to maintain a competent, high-performance workforce. The workforce training measure in Quebec offers employers an invaluable opportunity to develop their staff’s skills and ensure that their employees remain competitive in the job market.
In this article, we’d like to take a closer look at this program and how it can contribute to your company’s growth.

What is the workforce training measure?

The workforce training measure is a program designed to support the skills development of employees at risk of losing their jobs. But there’s more to it than that. This program can also help you maintain key expertise within your company, which is essential if you are to remain competitive in an ever-changing market.

Benefits for employers

By participating in the workforce training measure, employers can benefit from technical and financial assistance for various stages of training:

  1. Defining your training needs: Before starting the training process, it is essential to identify the areas where your employees could benefit from skills enhancement. The program offers assistance in assessing these needs and setting up a training plan tailored to your business.
  2. Carrying out your training project: Once you’ve identified your needs, you can implement your training project with complete peace of mind, knowing that you’ll benefit from financial support to help cover the costs.
  3. Evaluate the effectiveness of training received: The ultimate goal of training is to increase employee performance. This program offers an evaluation of training effectiveness, enabling you to measure progress and ensure that your training investment is paying off.

Who can participate?

All employers located in Quebec, with the exception of public bodies and political organizations, are eligible for this program.
This includes a variety of entities such as :

  • Private companies
  • Private company groupings
  • Cooperatives
  • Non-profit organizations
  • Self-employed workers
  • Communities and band councils

How does it work?

For your company to be eligible for the workforce training measure, you must demonstrate that the proposed training meets certain criteria:

  1. Keeping people in work: Training must be designed to improve employees’ skills and thus contribute to their continued employment with your company.
  2. Increasing worker performance: The main aim of training is to increase your employees’ productivity and efficiency, which will benefit the whole company.
  3. Transferable to other staff: Training should be designed so that it can be transferred to other employees, thus promoting internal mobility within your company.

Take advantage of subsidies to improve your competitiveness

By taking part in the Québec workforce training program, your company can benefit from a valuable program to develop your staff’s skills, improve your company’s overall performance and ensure its competitiveness in a constantly evolving market.
Don’t hesitate to contact your local Services Québec office in your region to find out more about how you can take part in this program and strengthen your team’s skills for a prosperous future.

Thanks to this program, you can benefit from affordable training. As a Web Marketing agency, we offer training aimed at empowering our customers, developing their understanding of Web ecosystem management and improving media literacy.

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